#16 ✓resolved
Noah Gibbs

Page object doesn't expose @body

Reported by Noah Gibbs | December 24th, 2009 @ 02:10 PM

I'd like to use Anemone to mirror chunks of multiple web sites, and crawl to do it. I don't see any good way to get the actual page contents as text (rather than a Nokogiri document), and I don't see any obvious way to get the original text from a Nokogiri document.

If you added an attr_accessor for :body in the Page object, I think that would fix the problem.

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Anemone is a Ruby library that makes it quick and painless to write programs that spider a website. It provides a simple DSL for performing actions on every page of a site, skipping certain URLs, and calculating the shortest path to a given page on a site.

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